New--Wall Art around Town

Pueblo Properties for sale

For Drone Photos Go to:

These Turkeys were in the backyard last month. we had 31 in total running around

Postcards of Birds

Postcards of Animals

Lots of Pueblo West Lots "Cheap"   Owner Carry  Had 25, only 10 left, selling fast

I think this is a Cooper's Hawk, it took an Eurasian dove down yesterday in our back yard.



Osprey feeding on Trout

Western Tanager                    Raccoon on top of power pole


Updated 3/25/2012  youtube banned it for a while because of the sound track, it's working now

Bobcat that Steve took video of February, It was eating a deer,
about 200 yards from house
Bobcat killed young goat "Joy" 12/15/09
Click on Photos to see Youtube Video

To E-mail steve click here

For password and link to see all of Eller Family Photos click here

Tim's 2014 Honda Accord Coupe EX-L V6